Instant Data Security
With Anyone, Anywhere



Make Data Breaches Irrelevant

Deploy in Minutes, not Months

Maintain Visibility and Control

Eliminate IT and Travel Expense

Eliminate Exposure

  • Safely engage global markets and resources
  • Data files and derivatives never exist in an unprotected state
  • Data stays secure, even when opened in 3rd party software on 3rd party machines (point of use)

Accelerate Deals and Projects

  • Instantly and securely share data with anyone, anywhere
  • Downloads and installs like any other app
  • Deploys at the project level, quickly scales to the enterprise level

Take Control

  • Instantly control access to your data, no mater where it is
  • See who accessed (or tried to access) your data in what software
  • All derivative data protected and under your control too
Bigger Data Market

Eliminate Cost

  • No cloud or expensive IT platforms required
  • No capital budgets required (SaaS model)
  • Eliminate data rooms and data related travel